Tuesday 13 December 2011


Inspiration. Something everyone needs, whether you are drawing a picture, writing a blog or even taking part in an event. Most people have an inspirational figure (and I say most as I'm struggling to think of one), but inspirational figures don't have to be famous. They could be a relative, a teacher, a colleague or even a friend. So, what gives you inspiration? For me, sometimes it's quotes, other times it's pictures. So, I'm  going to share a bit of both.

 Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.

Rabindranath Tagore

Give light and people will find the way.

Ella Baker

Believe you can and you're halfway there.

Theodore Roosevelt

For a gallant spirit there can never be defeat.

Wallis Simpson

Hope is a waking dream. 

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.

Aristotle Onassis

Hope you enjoyed!! 

Monday 12 December 2011

Exams :(

While friends are suffering with mock exams before January, I thought I would provide some relief and see which exam quotes may give the odd laugh. So here goes, (these are the only ones I can find, there aren't many):

After the first exams, I switched to the Faculty of Philosophy and studied Zoology in Munich and Vienna.
Karl von Frisch
Experts always know everything but the fine points. When I took my citizenship exams, no one there knew how the White House came to be called the White House.
Hedy Lamarr
Granted, prostate exams aren't the most enjoyable things in the world, but they only last about 10 seconds. It's well worth it. Just think of the possible consequences if you don't get it done.
Len Dawson
I crammed my exams in London and did fine.
Rhona Mitra
I know that if I'd had to go and take an exam for acting, I wouldn't have got anywhere. You don't take exams for acting, you take your courage.
Dame Edith Evans
I was never very good at exams, having a poor memory and finding the examination process rather artificial, and there never seemed to be enough time to follow up things that really interested me.
Paul Nurse
I'm visiting my high school. Every half year I do the exams, and then this year I'm going to graduate.
Daniela Hantuchova
Looking back I find it hard to believe that I could forge a career in anything other than football but I didn't do too badly in my final exams and there were a few business-related courses that interested me.
Kenny Cunningham
There are six components of wellness: proper weight and diet, proper exercise, breaking the smoking habit, control of alcohol, stress management and periodic exams.
Kenneth H. Cooper

Any comments on how exams normally go?

Saturday 10 December 2011


Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.
Guillaume Apollinaire 

Happiness. Something we all experience and we all want to have. And, even better for me, there are loads of quotes on it. So, being this a very popular subject quote wise, I've decided to write about it and share some of my favourite happiness quotes. 
But first a dictionary definition 
Happiness (n) state of well-being characterised by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy 
Happiness (n) emotions experience when in a state of well-being
Happiness: an agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another.

Ambrose Bierce

Happiness is all around us, associated with the colour yellow and something my teacher said is not to be associated with Christmas. <--- I disagree with the last one!
But now, as Christmas comes closer, the weather and temperature turn colder, sometimes happiness is all we need. So time for some quotes. My top ten Happiness quotes are;

A lifetime of Happiness! No man alive could bear it: it would be hell on earth

George Bernard Shaw 

To be happy for an hour, get drunk; to be happy for a year, fall in love; to be happy for a life, take up gardening 
Chinese proverb

Now and then it's good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy 
Guillaume Apollinaire 

Happiness in nothing more than good health and a bad memory 
Albert Schweitzer 

Happiness depends upon ourselves 

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance, the wise grows it under his feet 
James Oppenheim 

What a wonderful life I've had! I only wish I'd realised it sooner

Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness.
Richard Bach

Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.
George Bernard Shaw

So, what makes you happy? 

The amazing world of Quotes

Quotes. They can bring you peace when everything is looking bad, or they can cheer you up and make you laugh. Everyone, at some point in life, will find at least one quote they love or agree with. Me, I have loads, so many I've started a book of them. From the 'Keep Calm and Carry On' quotes to the website with almost every quote you can think of.
 ---> www.brainyquote.com 
Why is Cloud 9 so amazing? What is wrong with Cloud 8? That joke came off the top of my head, and the top of my head ain't funny! 
 Mitch Hedberg

One of my many favourite quotes. But, if you don't agree with funny quotes, and are a nature person at heart, you can find those too. 
Unless a tree has borne blossoms in spring, you will vainly look for fruit on it in autumn. - 
Walter Scott
Bored of searching? They even have a 'Quote of the day' which, can give you some unusual ones. 

Quotes, though, are all around us. From Steven Fry to Martin Luther King Jr. they are all there, and I can guarantee you, you will have a laugh!!

ENJOY!!!! =)

Success and Failure... there isn't really much difference.

If at first you don't succeed... so much for skydiving.
 Henny Youngman

On the 10th December, this was one of the quotes of the day that flashed up on my news feed, and, because I liked it, I thought I would share it. There are so many quotes that start in the same way, for example: 

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.                                                                                                             
  W. C. Fields
I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.
Michael Jordan

And then there is my favourite one
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Then quit. There's no point in being a damn fool about it.
W. C. Fields

Now it could be argued that some of these quotes are demoralising, and maybe they are. But there is something about them which makes them so fantastic to read and they make you realise that failing isn't so bad after all. Please, don't take this the wrong way and fail all your exams. That's not what I mean. Failing means we learn a valuable lesson. I now know a lot of random facts from failing at Pub Quiz's, but maybe in the long run, I will need the facts again and I'll be able to succeed. 
I'm going to leave you with a random question which I was once asked, and please send me your ideas on the answer, the more the better. 
If you attempt to fail and succeed, what have you done? 

Thank you 

Friday 9 December 2011


Taking part in a pub quiz last night, I learnt a lot of random facts. Here are a few:
- A wild ferret is called a Black-footed dog
- Colour TV was invented in 1938
President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute.
- Saudi Arabia produces the most oil in the world 
- It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th word from the first word is shake and the 46th word from the last word is spear.
- The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want.

So after some random facts to improve your General Knowledge, here are some random quotes that I have found: 

As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices: take it or leave it. 

Buddy Hackett 

All men are equal before fish. 

Herbert Hoover 

A two-year-old is kind of like having a blender, but you don't have a top for it. 
Jerry Seinfeld
People always ask me, 'Were you funny as a child?' Well, no, I was an accountant. 
Ellen DeGeneres 
Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday. 
Don Marquis 
Recession is when a neighbour loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours. 
Ronald Reagan  

While I have been writing this, I have managed to loose a pencil. If anyone is going near the Bermuda triangle, could they please pick it up for me? 

Thank You 

Tuesday 6 December 2011

A child of five..

A child of five would understand this. Send someone to fetch a child of five.
Groucho Marx 

For quotes that make you laugh, this is certainly one of them. One of my favourites actually. A child of five. Now, I can think of two different ways you could read this:
1. One of five children 
2. A five year old child 

Now, you may think that I'm slightly weird, and I will admit that I can seem that way. No point being normal, is there? But, I have another reason for blogging about his quote. While studying History, I came across the name Karl Marx and wondered if they were related. And here are my findings. 
No they aren't related. Groucho Marx was an American comedian and film star famed as a master of wit. He lived mainly in Los Angeles but was born in New York in 1870, dying in Los Angeles in 1977. His parents were Jewish and they grew up on East 93rd Street off Lexington Avenue in a neighborhood now known as Carnegie Hill on the Upper East Side of the borough of Manhattan, in New York City.
Anyway, here are my top 10 (not including the one above) favourite Groucho Marx quotes! 

A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere.
Before I speak, I have something important to say.  
Either he's dead or my watch has stopped.  
I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.  
I intend to live forever, or die trying.  
I must confess, I was born at a very early age.  
I never forget a face, but in your case I'll be glad to make an exception. 
I'm leaving because the weather is too good. I hate London when it's not raining. 
Well, Art is Art, isn't it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know. 
Why a four-year-old child could understand this report. Run out and find me a four-year-old child. I can't make head nor tail out of it. 

Wednesday 30 November 2011

Mark Twain

As I went to Google something today, I noticed it was Mark Twain's 176th birthday, so Happy Birthday Mark Twain. If you are reading this and thinking, how does this relate to quotes, don't worry, I will get on to it. As a keen quote reader, I have often discovered many of his quotes online, but never bothered to research who he is. Until now.
Mark Twain, an American writer and lecture was born as Samuel Langhorne Clemens in Florida, Missouri in 1835, is better known as his pen name, Mark Twain. He was also a humorist and he is most noted for his novels, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876), and its sequelAdventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), the latter often called "the Great American Novel." That is basic introduction of Mark Twain, so now I will share with you some of my favourite Mark Twain quotes. 
Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter
All generalizations are false, including this one. 
Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint 
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt. 
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt 
Don't tell fish stories where the people know you; but particularly, don't tell them where they know the fish 
Don't let schooling interfere with your education <- especially true with today's strikes 
Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.
I could go on and on, but I'll let you find some of your own. For a great writer, he certainly has a great sense of humour!!!  http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/m/mark_twain_2.html 

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Now Panic and Freak Out

The rephrase of 'Keep Calm and Carry On'. The phrase that can sometimes be a little more helpful in times of despair e.g Exams, piles of homework, bad days at work or school, you get my drift. We all get them. Sometimes, 'Keep Calm and Carry On' isn't enough and you just need that one big laugh that releases all the stress and tension. And that, my friend, is what this little book can give you. 'Now Panic and Freak Out'  is a little book of quotes which can take a huge amount of stress off your shoulders. Although the book isn't completely optimistic and always helpful, it does give others and yourself a laugh. When people see you answering a phone with a 'Now Panic and Freak Out' cover on it, they will normally laugh. But the quotes contained in it are good. They do make you see the more positive side of life.
One of my favourite quotes which I will repeat to people
God is good, but never dance in a small boat  - Irish Proverb 
This quote, although funny, has a deep meaning. Although you can interpret it in many ways, my idea is this. Don't believe that God can serve all your worries and problems. There are some things that he can't sort or provide, dancing in a small boat for example. 
I do recommend this book or even phrase to be in your possession or mind most of the time. There are just those times where laughter can be the only medicine! 


I recently found a quote that talks about the importance of friendship. More than that, I think, I feel it talks about how lucky you are if you have just ONE true friend. The quote is by a guy called Thomas Fuller, an English Clergyman who was born in 1608 and died in 1661. 
 If you have one true friend you have more than your share. 
 I agree do agree with this quote, and it has made me think about how lucky we are with the great friends we have over the process of our life. After finding his quote, I had a look online to see what people have said about this topic. A topic that we have all experienced.  
A friend to all is a friend to none
Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies

For those of you who have either never heard or heard but never knew the name Aristotle, I'll explain. Aristotle was a Greek philosopher, born around 384BC and died around 322BC. (Please note, these figures are approximate)

But friendship does touch all of us, in so many different ways. Friends are there to support us when something goes wrong, to celebrate with us, to party with, to study with. The list is endless. And it works the other way round. 

But back to the quote that started me off. Thomas Fuller is right, true friends are hard to come by. Just by having one true friend, we have experienced some light at the end of the tunnel, and true friends, remember, never leave you. 
I'm going to finish with a quote that does show how much friendship effects us all.
We call that person who has lost his father, an orphan; and a widower that man who has lost his wife. But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence.

Joseph Roux 

Sunday 27 November 2011

I have six locks on my door...

I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three. - Elayne Boosler
I fell in love with this quote a while ago. Elayne Boosler, an American comedian born in 1952, is someone who's quotes can be inspiring and pretty funny. There aren't too many quotes online from her. But the ones that are, well, they are good. 
My ancestors wandered lost in the wilderness for forty years because even in biblical times, men would not stop to ask for directions.
 I'm not an analyst, so don't expect me to give you a long analytical view on what it means. The I have six locks on my door is an awesome quote due to the fact that it is so logical and, and, well it's just funny. I'm not splitting my sides over this quote, I'm not that weird, but I do find it amazing. 
But just by being a comedian doesn't mean that all quotes have to be funny, there are some deep quotes online from Elayne Boosler:

When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking
The quotes that she gives can give you a different view on life. Not just through funniness, if you're a guy reading this, believe me, that quote above is true for MOST women. I say most due to the fact that shopping sometimes makes me depressed, unless it includes running through our local Tesco, doing skids and pretty much surfing through the aisles on a shopping trolley. I can be in and out within 10 mins with a trolley which could be considered a record with the shopping lists that can build up in our house. For men, well I don't know if it's true. Feel free to comment, I would like to know. =) (not in a creepy way though)
So search online for Elayne Boosler quotes. Hope you enjoy them! 

Keep Calm and Carry On

Keep Calm and Carry On. One of the most inspirational quotes in the world. A poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War, it was  intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of an  invasion. Seeing only limited distribution, very little was known about it. The poster was rediscovered in 2000 and has been re-issued by a number of private sector companies, and used as the decorative theme for a range of other products. There are only two known surviving examples of the poster outside government archives.
But is that all. The franchise from this poster is worth thousands and has been adapted in so many different ways, from motivational quotes to the quotes that match your angry mood, whether it is with the banks or with the government, the phrase, which has never been used for the original purpose, is now something everyone has heard of!