Sunday 27 November 2011

I have six locks on my door...

I have six locks on my door all in a row. When I go out, I lock every other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the locks, they are always locking three. - Elayne Boosler
I fell in love with this quote a while ago. Elayne Boosler, an American comedian born in 1952, is someone who's quotes can be inspiring and pretty funny. There aren't too many quotes online from her. But the ones that are, well, they are good. 
My ancestors wandered lost in the wilderness for forty years because even in biblical times, men would not stop to ask for directions.
 I'm not an analyst, so don't expect me to give you a long analytical view on what it means. The I have six locks on my door is an awesome quote due to the fact that it is so logical and, and, well it's just funny. I'm not splitting my sides over this quote, I'm not that weird, but I do find it amazing. 
But just by being a comedian doesn't mean that all quotes have to be funny, there are some deep quotes online from Elayne Boosler:

When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking
The quotes that she gives can give you a different view on life. Not just through funniness, if you're a guy reading this, believe me, that quote above is true for MOST women. I say most due to the fact that shopping sometimes makes me depressed, unless it includes running through our local Tesco, doing skids and pretty much surfing through the aisles on a shopping trolley. I can be in and out within 10 mins with a trolley which could be considered a record with the shopping lists that can build up in our house. For men, well I don't know if it's true. Feel free to comment, I would like to know. =) (not in a creepy way though)
So search online for Elayne Boosler quotes. Hope you enjoy them!

1 comment:

  1. Hi :)
    I really like this post! It made me smile so much, and I fell about laughing at the top one!
    Thanks for making day!
